Buenas tengo un inconveniente mi galeria muestra 3 imagenes al inicio y deseo que la imagen del centro este un poco mas grande y cuando avance que la imagen del centro siempre este un poco mas grande que las demas, le pongo el codigo que utilizo para el movimiento del las imagenes, espero puedan ayudarme.

Código :

//fotograma 1
// Xphoto = startposition of the scoll image
xphoto = 0;
// Widthmovie = This variable hase to be set to the
// same amount of the moviewidth
widthmovie = 520;
// Scrollspeed = The scollspeed of the image (high numbers result in slow scrolls 10=average)
scrollspeed = 25;
// widthphoto = the width of your scrollable image in pixels
widthphoto = 1500;

//fotograma 2

// Setting the xmouse to 0 in the centre of the movie:
xmouse = _xmouse - (widthmovie / 2);
// Setting the speed:
speed = (xmouse) / scrollspeed;
// If the speed is negative, the speed will be made positive here:
if (speed < 0) {
   speed = -(speed);

//new function courtesy of Rob
//basically says that if the mouse isn't betwen these two y points it won't work
//**stupid people tip**
//make sure that you figure out the top and bottom y points of your "photo" and insert them accordingly!
mouseposition = getProperty("/myself", _y);
if (_ymouse < 40) {

if (_ymouse > 550) {


// If the mouse moves to left, the photo will scroll to the right:
// (That makes sense.... Doesn't it!! ;-)
if (xmouse < 0) {
   xphoto = xphoto + speed;
// If the mouse moves to the right, the photo will scroll to the left:
if (xmouse > 0) {
   xphoto = xphoto - speed;

// Checking for the left end of the image:
if (xphoto > 0) {
   xphoto = 0;
// Checking for the right end of the image:
if (xphoto < -(widthphoto - widthmovie)) {
   xphoto = -(widthphoto - widthmovie);
// Placing the moviclip (photo) on it's new postition:
setProperty("photo", _x, xphoto);
