Código :
//fotograma 1 // Xphoto = startposition of the scoll image xphoto = 0; // Widthmovie = This variable hase to be set to the // same amount of the moviewidth widthmovie = 520; // Scrollspeed = The scollspeed of the image (high numbers result in slow scrolls 10=average) scrollspeed = 25; // widthphoto = the width of your scrollable image in pixels widthphoto = 1500; //fotograma 2 // Setting the xmouse to 0 in the centre of the movie: xmouse = _xmouse - (widthmovie / 2); // Setting the speed: speed = (xmouse) / scrollspeed; // If the speed is negative, the speed will be made positive here: if (speed < 0) { speed = -(speed); } //new function courtesy of Rob //basically says that if the mouse isn't betwen these two y points it won't work //**stupid people tip** //make sure that you figure out the top and bottom y points of your "photo" and insert them accordingly! mouseposition = getProperty("/myself", _y); if (_ymouse < 40) { speed=0; } if (_ymouse > 550) { speed=0; } // If the mouse moves to left, the photo will scroll to the right: // (That makes sense.... Doesn't it!! ;-) if (xmouse < 0) { xphoto = xphoto + speed; } // If the mouse moves to the right, the photo will scroll to the left: if (xmouse > 0) { xphoto = xphoto - speed; } // Checking for the left end of the image: if (xphoto > 0) { xphoto = 0; } // Checking for the right end of the image: if (xphoto < -(widthphoto - widthmovie)) { xphoto = -(widthphoto - widthmovie); } // Placing the moviclip (photo) on it's new postition: setProperty("photo", _x, xphoto); trace(this.photo._x)