Código PHP :
<?php // VARIABLES //NAME //DESCRIPTION $basedir = "images/"; //The directory for storing files. $thisDir = "p"; //The directory that this file is stored in. No slashes. $maxFileSize = 10000000; //The maximum size in bytes that an uploaded file can be. $ftypes = array("gif","jpg","png","bmp","tiff","tif","jpeg"); //^ Allowed filetypes. //YOU DO NOT NEED TO EDIT ANYTHING BEYOND THIS POINT if (!$_REQUEST["fd"]) $fd = $basedir; else $fd = $_REQUEST["fd"]; $ud = $fd; //Upload Directory. This should always be the same as $fd. function isDirOkay($dir, $basedir, $thisDir) { //Kind of hackish. if (substr($dir,0,1)=="/" || substr_count($dir,"../") > substr_count($basedir,"../") || $dir==$basedir.$thisDir) die(messageBox("ERROR: Forbidden directory.", "index.php?fd=".$fd, TRUE)); } isDirOkay($fd, $basedir, $thisDir); function messageBox($msgtxt, $redir, $errbox=FALSE) { //Message Box if ($errbox==TRUE) $boxtype = "errorbox"; else $boxtype = "messagebox"; echo("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\"> <html xmlns=\"\"> <head> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\" /> <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"10;$redir\" /> <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"style.css\" /> <title>$msgtxt</title> </head> <body> <div class=\"$boxtype\"> <p>$msgtxt</p> <p><a href=\"$redir\" class=\"actn\">Okay.</a></p> </div> </body> </html>"); } function getDir($dir) { //Get contents of directory. Now supports PHP 4 and 5. if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.0.0", ">=")) return scandir($dir); else { $dh = opendir($dir); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) { $files[] = $filename; } sort($files); return $files; } } function updir($curdir) { $dir = explode("/", $curdir); unset($dir[count($dir)-2]); return "index.php?fd=".implode("/",$dir); } /** By stefano at takys dot it (found on * rm() -- Very Vigorously erase files and directories. Also hidden files !!!! * * @param $dir string * be carefull to: * if($obj=='.' || $obj=='..') continue; * if not it will erase all the happened to me ;) * the function is permission dependent. */ function rm($dir) { if(!$dh = @opendir($dir)) return; while (($obj = readdir($dh))) { if($obj=='.' || $obj=='..') continue; if (!@unlink($dir.'/'.$obj)) rm($dir.'/'.$obj); } @rmdir($dir); } if (!$_REQUEST["a"]) { //Index Page ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>The Picturebox</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1"> <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function confDelete(filename) { var primaryOK = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete "+filename+"?"); if (primaryOK==true) { var secondaryOK = confirm("Are you REALLY sure?"); if (secondaryOK==true) { window.location="index.php?a=del&fd=<?php echo($fd); ?>&filename="+filename; } else { alert("Phew... Saved it. No action was taken."); } } else { alert("ABORT! ABORT! The file was not deleted."); } } function confDeleteDir(dirname) { var primaryOK = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the directory "+dirname+" and ALL of its contents?"); if (primaryOK==true) { var secondaryOK = confirm("Are you REALLY sure?"); if (secondaryOK==true) { window.location="index.php?a=dld&fd=<?php echo($fd); ?>&dirname="+dirname; } else { alert("Phew... Saved it. No action was taken."); } } else { alert("ABORT! ABORT! The directory was not deleted."); } } --> </script> </head> <body> <div class="fldiv"> <p class="dtitle">Files</p> <table> <?php $curdir = $fd; $curdir = ereg_replace(addcslashes($basedir, "."),"Home » ",$curdir); $curdir = ereg_replace("/"," » ",$curdir); echo "<p class=\"curdir\">Current Directory: $curdir"; if ($fd!=$basedir) echo " <a class=\"actn\" href=\"".updir($fd)."\">Up</a>"; echo "</p>"; clearstatcache(); $flist = getDir($fd); $nsofar = 0; echo "<tr>"; for ($i=2; $i<count($flist); $i++) { $fnf = explode(".", $flist[$i]); $fext = strtolower($fnf[count($fnf)-1]); if ((in_array($fext, $ftypes) || is_dir($fd.$flist[$i])) && $flist[$i]!=$thisDir) { $f2 = ""; if ($nsofar==5) { echo "</tr><tr>"; $nsofar = 0; } $nsofar++; if ($i%2==0) $f2 = "2"; /*dir*/ if (is_dir($fd.$flist[$i])) echo "<td class=\"pic".$f2."\"><a href=\"index.php?fd=".$fd.$flist[$i]."/\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"f.png\" width=\"128\" height=\"128\" alt=\"".$flist[$i]."\"/></a><br /><a class=\"pname\" href=\"".$fd.$flist[$i]."\">".$flist[$i]."</a> <a class=\"actn\" href=\"#\" onClick=\"confDeleteDir('".$flist[$i]."')\">Delete</a></td>"; /*pic*/ else { $imgprop = getimagesize($fd.$flist[$i]); $width = $imgprop[0]; $height = $imgprop[1]; if ($width<=128 && height<=128) { $picWidth = $width; $picHeight = $height; } elseif ($width>$height) { $picWidth = 128; $picHeight = 128 * $height / $width; } else { $picHeight = 128; $picWidth = 128 * $width / $height; } echo "<td class=\"pic".$f2."\"><a href=\"".$fd.$flist[$i]."\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"".$fd.$flist[$i]."\" width=\"".round($picWidth,0)."\" height=\"".round($picHeight, 0)."\" alt=\"".$flist[$i]."\"/></a><br /><a class=\"pname\" href=\"".$fd.$flist[$i]."\">".$flist[$i]."</a> <a class=\"actn\" href=\"#\" onClick=\"confDelete('".$flist[$i]."')\">Delete</a></td>"; } } } ?> </table> </div> <div class="fnc"> <p class="dtitle">Upload File</p> <div class="fnctn" id="uploadfile" style="margin-bottom:30px"> <form action="index.php" method="post" name="upl" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="a" value="upl" /> <input type="hidden" name="fd" value="<?php echo($fd) ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php echo($maxFileSize); ?>" /> Upload file <input type="file" name="upFile" /> <input type="submit" name="go" value="Go >" /> </form> </div> <p class="dtitle">New Directory</p> <div class="fnctn" id="mkdir"> <form action="index.php" method="post" name="mkd"> <input type="hidden" name="a" value="mkd" /> <input type="hidden" name="fd" value="<?php echo($fd) ?>" /> Directory Name: <input type="text" name="dirname" value="" /> <input type="submit" name="go" value="Go >" /> </form> </div> </div> </body> </html> <?php } elseif ($_REQUEST["a"] == "upl") { //Upload File $ufname = stripslashes(basename($_FILES['upFile']['name'])); $fnf = explode(".", $ufname); $fext = strtolower($fnf[count($fnf)-1]); if (in_array($fext, $ftypes)) { $uf = $ud.$ufname; if (move_uploaded_file(stripslashes($_FILES['upFile']['tmp_name']), $uf)!=1) die(messageBox("ERROR: File upload failed.", "index.php?fd=".$fd, TRUE)); chmod($uf, 0755); messageBox("The file ".$ufname." was uploaded.", "index.php?fd=".$fd); } else die(messageBox("ERROR: That file type is not permitted.", "index.php?fd=".$fd, TRUE)); } elseif ($_REQUEST["a"] == "mkd") { //Make Directory if (ereg('\/', $_REQUEST["dirname"])==1) die(messageBox("ERROR: Working out of directory is forbidden. Do not add any trailing slashes at the end of the directory name.", "index.php?fd=".$fd, TRUE)); if (file_exists($fd.$_REQUEST["dirname"])) die(messageBox("ERROR: The file ".$_REQUEST["dirname"]." already exists!", "index.php?fd=".$fd, TRUE)); /////////////////////////// if (mkdir($fd.$_REQUEST["dirname"], 0755)==1) messageBox("The directory ".$_REQUEST["dirname"]." was created.", "index.php?fd=".$fd.$_REQUEST["dirname"]."/"); else messageBox("ERROR: Something went wrong when trying to create the directory.", "index.php?fd=".$fd, TRUE); } elseif ($_REQUEST["a"] == "del") { //Delete File if (ereg('\/', $_REQUEST["filename"])==1) die(messageBox("ERROR: Working out of directory is forbidden.", "index.php?fd=".$fd, TRUE)); if (file_exists($fd.$_REQUEST["filename"])!=1 || $fd==$thisDir) die(messageBox("ERROR: The file ".$_REQUEST["filename"]." does not exist!", "index.php?fd=".$fd, TRUE)); /////////////////////////// if (unlink($fd.$_REQUEST["filename"])==1) messageBox("The file ".$_REQUEST["filename"]." was deleted.", "index.php?fd=".$fd); else messageBox("ERROR: Something went wrong when trying to delete that file.", "index.php?fd=".$fd, TRUE); } elseif ($_REQUEST["a"] == "dld") { //Delete Directory if (ereg('\/', $_REQUEST["dirname"])==1) die(messageBox("ERROR: Working out of directory is forbidden.", "index.php?fd=".$fd, TRUE)); if (file_exists($fd.$_REQUEST["dirname"])!=1 || $_REQUEST["dirname"]==$thisDir) die(messageBox("ERROR: The directory ".$_REQUEST["dirname"]." does not exist!", "index.php?fd=".$fd, TRUE)); /////////////////////////// rm($fd.$_REQUEST["dirname"]); messageBox("The directory ".$_REQUEST["dirname"]." was deleted.", "index.php?fd=".$fd); } ?>
desde ya muchas gracias y espero me ayuden..