El error me lo tira en la linea 14 y 19..que serian estas
14: set("textY" add i, getProperty ("text" add i, _y ) );
19: }
por las dudas posteo el codigo entero, bueno...desde ya mil gracias. Saludos!!
Código :
colnum = "1"; startnum = 1; endnum = 19; numberofItems = 19; mouseposX = int(getProperty("../dragscale", _x)); mouseposY = int(getProperty("../dragscale", _y)); i = startnum; m = startnum; filledSpace = 0; gapspace = 0; if (Number(myInit) == Number(FALSE)) { // on first run make an array of all the text Y Pos. while (Number(i)<=Number(endnum)) { set("textY" add i, getProperty ("text" add i, _y ) ); i = Number(i)+1; } i = startnum; myInit = TRUE; } boundleft = getProperty ("../boundbox" add colnum, _x); boundright = boundleft + getProperty ("../boundbox" add colnum, _width) ; boundtop = getProperty ("../boundbox" add colnum, _y); boundbottom = boundtop + getProperty ("../boundbox" add colnum,_height); if (Number(mouseposX)>=Number(boundleft) and Number(mouseposX)<=Number(boundright) and Number(mouseposY)>=Number(boundtop) and Number(mouseposY)<=Number(boundbottom)) { while (Number(i)<=Number(endnum)) { myDif = (eval("textY" add i) ) - (mouseposY - boundtop); // percentage increase scaleAmount = 250-((myDif*myDif)/16); alphaAmount = 100-((myDif*myDif)/6); if (Number(alphaAmount)<50) { alphaAmount = 50; } if (Number(scaleAmount)<100) { scaleAmount = 100; } setProperty("text" add i, _xscale, scaleAmount); setProperty("text" add i, _yscale, scaleAmount); setProperty("text" add i, _alpha, alphaAmount); i = Number(i)+1; } // *** add up total Y pixels taken by text *** while (Number(m)<=Number(endnum-1)) { filledSpace = filledspace + getProperty ( "text" add m, _height); m = Number(m)+1; } // *** find total Y pixels not taken by text totalheight = getProperty ( "text" add endnum, _y) - getProperty ( "text" add startnum, _y); gapSpace = totalheight-filledspace; avgDistance = gapSpace/numberofitems; m = Number(startnum)+1; while (Number(m)<=Number(endnum-1)) { setProperty("text" add m, _y, (getProperty ( "text" add (m-1), _y) + getProperty ( "text" add (m-1), _height)) + avgdistance); set("watchheight" add m, getProperty ( "text" add m, _height)); m = Number(m)+1; } } else { // *** shrink text back when mouse rolls out i = startnum; while (Number(i)<=Number(endnum)) { if (int ( getProperty ("text" add i, _yscale ) ) >= 100) { // return scale back to original state setProperty("text" add i, _yscale, int ( getProperty ("text" add i, _xscale ) ) - 1); setProperty("text" add i, _xscale, int ( getProperty ("text" add i, _yscale ) ) -1); } if ( getProperty ("text" add i, _y) < eval("textY" add i)) { // return y position back to original state setProperty("text" add i, _y, int ( getProperty ("text" add i, _y ) ) + 1); } if ( getProperty ("text" add i, _y) > eval("textY" add i)) { setProperty("text" add i, _y, int ( getProperty ("text" add i, _y ) ) - 1); } if ( getProperty ("text" add i, _Alpha) > 50) { setProperty("text" add i, _alpha, int ( getProperty ("text" add i, _alpha ) ) - 1); } i = Number(i)+1; } }