hola disculpa, nose que pasa, pero en un fla en blanco me anda, pero cuando lo pego en mi web
Código ActionScript :
var filas:Number = 110;
var columnas:Number = 45;
for (var f:int=0; f<filas; f++)
for (var c:int=0; c<columnas; c++)
var trazo:linea = new linea();
trazo.x = 10 * c;
trazo.y = 10 * f;
aparecen estos errores.
Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', Frame 1, Line 40 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndPlay through a reference with static type int.
Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', Frame 1, Line 44 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndPlay through a reference with static type int.
Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', Frame 1, Line 9 1119: Access of possibly undefined property buttonMode through a reference with static type int.
Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', Frame 1, Line 24 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addEventListener through a reference with static type int.
si comento todo el codigo, no aparecen los errores, por que puede ser q pase?