Código ActionScript :
stop (); function resizeSite(textObj, buttonObjSeand, buttonObjClear, closeObjSeand, closeObjClear) { var _loc1 = {}; closeObjSeand._visible = false; closeObjClear._visible = false; titleTextInfo = "Exit full-screen mode (Esc) to enter text"; titleTextButton = "Exit full-screen mode (Esc) to send the form"; _loc1.onFullScreen = function (isFullscreen) { if (isFullscreen) { textObj.htmlText = titleTextInfo; buttonObj.useHandCursor = false; closeObjSeand._visible = true; closeObjSeand._x = buttonObjSeand._x; closeObjSeand._y = buttonObjSeand._y; closeObjSeand._width = buttonObjSeand._width + 5; closeObjSeand._height = buttonObjSeand._height + 5; closeObjClear._visible = true; closeObjClear._x = buttonObjClear._x; closeObjClear._y = buttonObjClear._y; closeObjClear._width = buttonObjClear._width + 5; closeObjClear._height = buttonObjClear._height + 5; closeObjClear.onRelease = function () { textObj.htmlText = titleTextButton; }; closeObjSeand.onRelease = function () { textObj.htmlText = titleTextButton; }; } else { closeObjSeand.useHandCursor = true; textObj.htmlText = " "; closeObjSeand._visible = false; closeObjClear._visible = false; } // end else if }; // EN ESTA LINEA ES EL ERROR if (Stage.displayState == "fullscreen"); { textObj.htmlText = titleTextInfo; buttonObj.useHandCursor = false; closeObjSeand._visible = true; closeObjSeand._x = buttonObjSeand._x; closeObjSeand._y = buttonObjSeand._y; closeObjSeand._width = buttonObjSeand._width + 5; closeObjSeand._height = buttonObjSeand._height + 5; closeObjClear._visible = true; closeObjClear._x = buttonObjClear._x; closeObjClear._y = buttonObjClear._y; closeObjClear._width = buttonObjClear._width + 5; closeObjClear._height = buttonObjClear._height + 5; closeObjClear.onRelease = function () { textObj.htmlText = titleTextButton; }; closeObjSeand.onRelease = function () { textObj.htmlText = titleTextButton; }; } // end if Stage.addListener(_loc1); } // End of the function
no se si tenga mal algun punto y como y no no cerre bien mis sentencias, agradesco mucho su ayuda para poder seguri aprendiendo de ActionScript