es con actionscript
ayuda porfavor
Código ActionScript :
_global.SW = Stage.width; _global.SH = Stage.height; _global.SWsur2 = SW / 2; _global.SHsur2 = SH / 2; Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit"; //---------------------------------------------- MovieClip.prototype.rectangle_arrondi_ombre = function(larg, haut, rayon, epais, couleur, transp) { var mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip("rectangle_arrondi", 10000); mc.onLoad = function() { with (this) { for (var i = 6; i > 0; i -= .5) { lineStyle(2 * i, 0x000000, 40 - i * 6); moveTo(larg + i, rayon * .7 + 5 * i); lineTo(larg + i, haut - rayon + 2 * i); curveTo(larg, haut, larg - rayon + 2 * i, haut + i); lineTo(rayon * .7 + 5 * i, haut + i); } moveTo(rayon, 0); //------------------- lineStyle(epais, 0x000000, 100); beginFill(couleur, transp); moveTo(rayon, 0); lineTo(larg - rayon, 0); curveTo(larg, 0, larg, rayon); lineTo(larg, haut - rayon); curveTo(larg, haut, larg - rayon, haut); lineTo(rayon, haut); curveTo(0, haut, 0, haut - rayon); lineTo(0, rayon); curveTo(0, 0, rayon, 0); endFill(); } }; mc.onLoad(); }; //---------------------------------------------- _root.createEmptyMovieClip("cadre", -1111); cadre._x = 2; cadre._y = 2; cadre.rectangle_arrondi_ombre(SW - 4, SH - 4, SW / 20, 2, 0x996633, 10); //---------------------------------------------- MovieClip.prototype.chargement_jpg = function(jpg, couleur, larg, haut) { var cible = this.dest; cible._alpha = 0; cible.loadMovie(jpg); var id = setInterval(function (mc) { var d = mc["dest"]; if (d._width > 0) { clearInterval(id); d.memw = d._width; d.memh = d._height; d.proportion = (d._width / d._height); d._width = Math.floor(mc._w0 * 2); d._height = Math.floor(mc._h0 * 2); d._alpha = 99; with (d) { lineStyle(4, 0x444444, 80); moveTo(this._x + memw + 1, this._y - 1); lineTo(this._x + memw + 1, this._y + memh + 1); lineTo(this._x - 1, this._y + memh + 1); lineStyle(4, 0xaaaaaa, 80); lineTo(this._x - 1, this._y - 1); lineTo(this._x + memw + 1, this._y - 1); } // -------------------- mc._alpha = 99; mc._width = mc._w0; mc._height = mc._h0 * 1.5; mc.onPress = cliquer; // mc.onRelease = relacher; // mc.onReleaseOutside = relacher; //-------------------- } else { var pourcent = (d.getBytesLoaded() / d.getBytesTotal()); mc._width = pourcent * mc._w0; mc._height = pourcent * mc._h0 * 1.6; } }, 100, this); }; // ----------------------------------------------------- MovieClip.prototype.cliquer = function() { _global.memoire.swapDepths(0); _global.memoire.relacher(); if (_global.memoire != this) { _global.memoire = this; //--------------------- delete this.onEnterFrame; //--------------------- var grossissement_V = SH * .9; var grossissement_H = grossissement_V * this.dest.proportion; var positiont_V = SHsur2 * 1.1; //--------------------- this._alpha = 99; this.swapDepths(_root.niveau++); //--------------------- var x_deb = this._x; var y_deb = this._y; var dis_x = (SWsur2 - x_deb) / 2; var dis_y = (positiont_V - y_deb) / 2; var vitesse = Math.PI / 20; var angle = -Math.PI; var limite = -Math.PI / 3.3; var decalage = Math.PI / 6; //------------------------------------ this.onEnterFrame = function() { angle += vitesse; s = 1 + Math.cos(angle - Math.sin(angle - decalage)); this._x = x_deb + s * dis_x; this._y = y_deb + s * dis_y; this._width += (grossissement_H - this._width) / 5; this._height += (grossissement_V - this._height) / 3; //--------------------- if (angle >= limite) { this._width = grossissement_H; this._height = grossissement_V; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } }; // ----------------------------------------------------- MovieClip.prototype.relacher = function() { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.onEnterFrame = function() { this._width += (this._w0 - this._width) / 4; this._height += (this._h0 - this._height) / 4; this._x += (this._x0 - this._x) / 4; this._y += (this._y0 - this._y) / 4; if (this._yscale < 70) { this._width = this._w0; this._height = this._h0 * 1.5; this._x = this._x0; this._y = this._y0; this._alpha = 50; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; // ----------------------------------------------------- MovieClip.prototype.allons_y = function(tableau) { var L = SW / (tableau.length + 2); L = Math.floor(L * .9); var M = L + 5; for (var i = 0; i < tableau.length; i++) { clip = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("cadre" + i, i); clip.onLoad = function() { //-------------------- this._alpha = 30; this.lineStyle(4, 0, 20); this.moveTo(-(L + 2), L); this.lineTo(M, L); this.lineTo(M, -(L - 3)); // -------------------- this.moveTo(M, -L); this.lineStyle(0, 0x999999); this.beginFill(0xfff6f0, 100); this.lineTo(-M, -L); this.lineTo(-M, L); this.lineStyle(0, 0); this.lineTo(M, L); this.lineTo(M, -L); this.endFill(); //-------------------- this._x0 = (1.2 * (i + 1)) * L; this._y0 = L; this._x = this._x0; this._y = this._y0; //-------------------- this._w0 = L + 3; this._h0 = L - 5 + 3; this._width = this._w0; this._height = this._h0; //-------------------- this.createEmptyMovieClip("dest", i + 200); //-------------------- this.dest.onLoad = function() { this._x = -L - 3; this._y = -L + 2; var ladress = tableau[i] + "?" + random(99999); var ladress = tableau[i]; this._parent.chargement_jpg(ladress, 0xff8800, 20, 50); }; this.dest.onLoad(); }; clip.onLoad(); } }; //------------------------------------------------------ niveau = 10000; //------------------------------------------------------ _global.fichier = []; _global.repertoire = ""; //------------------------------------------------------ fichier[0] = "1351/01/1351_01_6_web.jpg"; fichier[1] = "1351/02/1351_02_54_web.jpg"; fichier[2] = "1351/03/1351_03_18_web.jpg"; fichier[3] = "1351/04/1351_04_60_web.jpg"; fichier[4] = "1351/04/1351_04_89_web.jpg"; fichier[5] = "1351/05/1351_05_51_web.jpg"; fichier[6] = "1351/16/1351_16_61_web.jpg"; fichier[7] = "1351/16/1351_16_6_web.jpg"; fichier[8] = "1351/16/1351_16_58_web.jpg"; fichier[9] = "1351/07/1351_07_1_web.jpg"; fichier[10] = "1351/07/1351_07_61_web.jpg"; fichier[11] = "1351/07/1351_07_58_web.jpg"; fichier[12] = "1351/06/1351_06_86_web.jpg"; fichier[13] = "1351/16/1351_16_1_web.jpg"; fichier[14] = "1351/13/1351_13_1_web.jpg"; fichier[15] = "1351/13/1351_13_6_web.jpg"; fichier[16] = "10/51/10_51_10_web.jpg"; fichier[17] = "10/51/10_51_5_web.jpg"; fichier[18] = "10/51/10_51_12_web.jpg"; fichier[19] = "10/51/10_51_14_web.jpg"; fichier[20] = "10/15/10_15_53_web.jpg"; fichier[21] = "10/15/10_15_54_web.jpg"; fichier[22] = "10/15/10_15_1_web.jpg"; /**/ for (var i = 0; i < fichier.length; i++) { fichier[i] = repertoire + fichier[i]; //trace(fichier[i]); } _root.createEmptyMovieClip("phototheque", 0); phototheque.allons_y(fichier); //------------------------------------------------------ stop(); //------------------------------------------------------