Serexin as well as on the entire body. This hormone plays a very important role in determining sperm oestradiol as well as the creation of certain estrogen receptors. Strength Muscles, once synthesized, began to be secreted into the bloodstream. It is then transported to the target cells of the genitals or male reproductive organs. The majority of this is transported in a particular plasma protein called SHBG or Sexual Hormone Globulin Binding. Schema testo The rest of the is called free which can be converted into dihydro or DHT. But aromatase could never change it into oestradiol. and DHT can both join the androgen receptor. DHT or dihydro joins this receptor with a greater resemblance than unbound Strength Muscles. Once it is linked to the androgen receptor, or dihydro forms a complex that undergoes some structural changes. Then, this complex which is formed moves in the nucleus of the cells. After that, it binds to DNA nucleotide sequences that are designated as hormone response elements. The binding of these complexes to the elements brings about some great changes when it comes to the transcription of different proteins that are arbitrated by specific genes. These genes .