WARNING: Your tab may contain insecure content!
Our system has detected the custom content for this tab may contain insecure resources. This insecure content may cause some browsers to block that particular content -- or even your entire tab -- from loading.
This is a policy increasingly employed by modern browsers (notably introduced in Firefox version 23 abd Chrome version 30), as resources delivered over non-SSL ("http://...") are not encrypted and in the context of an HTTPS connection may pose a security risk to both the user and the provider.
These resources include (but are not limited to): <script>, <link>, <img>, <frame>, or <iframe> tags which have source URLs that use the HTTP scheme (e.g. the URLs begin with "http://...") while the user is viewing the tab through an HTTPS connection (e.g. "https://facebook.com...").
Depending on the type of content this tab is set to (e.g. HTML, URL) on the Page/Fan-Gate/Form-Gate etc. you will want to do the following for each:
• HTML: You must find and change any source URLs to either a scheme-agnostic URL (e.g. change "http://example.com..." to "//example.com") or set the source URLs to begin with "https" by editing them directly or via Javascript. (See examples below)
• URL: You must change the URL to either a scheme-agnostic URL (e.g. change "http://example.com..." to "//example.com") or set the source URLs to begin with "https" by editing them directly or via Javascript.
• Other types (Image/Redirect...): You do not need to take any corrective action.
Some examples of insecure resources:
<script src='http://example.com/example.js'></script><link rel='stylesheet' href='http://example.com/example.css' /><iframe src='http://example.com/example.html' />
And their respective fixed source URLs:
<script src='//example.com/example.js'></script><link rel='stylesheet' href='https://example.com/example.css' /><iframe src='//example.com/example.html' />
Please note that any resources you change in this way must reside on a domain which supports SSL protocol (otherwise the resource will simply not appear when being viewed in an HTTPS connection).
Fix Your ResourcesIgnore WarningSkip for Now
por favor necesito que alguien me ayude me estoy volviendo loco con todo esto y si necesito publicar esta bendita pagina...
esto es lo unico que quiero publicar por ahora: http://www.roistudio.com.gt/minisitefacebook/
como dato adicional tengo un hosting en gooddady configurado y todo eso.
gracias! por su amable ayuda