Hola, gracias por responder, si... en eso tienes razon, solo que hay otro detalle que se me olvido mencionar... el cliente EXIGE ademas el tooltip que esta tiene, encontre una con tolltip pero la velocidad con que se mueve el scroll es bastante y no permite apreciar bien las miniaturas.
este es el codigo de dicha galeria, solo que no consigo encontrar donde le puedo cambiar la velocidad
Código ActionScript :
//////////////// INITIAL VARS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Set first gallery displayed by default
_global.galleryNum = 0;
// Set first image displayed by default
_global.ID = 0;
// Set your document stage width and height here
var stageW = 800;
var stageH = 600;
// Set spacing amount between thumbnail images
var thumbSpace = 1;
// Set the maximum amount of thumbs to be displayed here. Scrolling will be enabled if total of thumbs is greater than default_maxThumbs
var default_maxThumbs = 7;
// Set border amount here
var border = 5;
menu_mc.bgX = menu_mc.bg._x;
// Set initial size of white bg here
destWidth = bg_mc.bg._width=400;
destHeight = bg_mc.bg._height=400;
// Alignment varibles
fullscreen_mcY = fullscreen_mc._y;
select_mcY = select_mc._y;
bgX = bg._x;
bgY = bg._y;
menu_mcX = menu_mc._x;
menu_mcY = menu_mc._y;
//////////////// CSS STYLESHEET /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var styles = new TextField.StyleSheet();
// Set hyperlink colour and decoration here
styles.setStyle("a:link", {color:'#00FFFF', textDecoration:'none'});
styles.setStyle("a:hover", {color:'#00FFFF', textDecoration:'underline'});
info_mc.txt.html = true;
info_mc.txt.styleSheet = styles;
// Hides these movieclips initially
hover_mc._visible = false;
info_mc._alpha = 0;
info_mc.destAlpha = 0;
bttnNext._visible = false;
bttnPrev._visible = false;
//////////////// ON STAGE RESIZE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
stageListener = new Object();
alignObjects = function () {
bg._x = bgX-(Stage.width-stageW)/2;
bg._y = bgY-(Stage.height-stageH)/2;
bg._width = Stage.width;
bg._height = Stage.height;
menu_mc._x = menu_mcX-(Stage.width-stageW)/2+(Stage.width-stageW)/2;
menu_mc._y = menu_mcY+(Stage.height-stageH)/2;
menu_mc.bg._x = menu_mc.bgX-(Stage.width-stageW)/2;
menu_mc.bg._width = Stage.width;
fullscreen_mc._x = -(Stage.width-stageW)/2+Stage.width-fullscreen_mc._width-10;
fullscreen_mc._y = fullscreen_mcY+(Stage.height-stageH)/2;
select_mc._x = -(Stage.width-stageW)/2+10;
select_mc._y = select_mcY+(Stage.height-stageH)/2;
stageListener.onResize = function() {
//////////////// BUTTON FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bg_mc.bg.bttnNext.onRelease = function() {
bg_mc.bg.bttnNext.onRollOver = function() {
bttnNext._visible = true;
bg_mc.bg.bttnNext.onRollOut = bg_mc.bg.bttnNext.onDragOut=function () {
bttnNext._visible = false;
bg_mc.bg.bttnPrev.onRelease = function() {
bg_mc.bg.bttnPrev.onRollOver = function() {
bttnPrev._visible = true;
bg_mc.bg.bttnPrev.onRollOut = bg_mc.bg.bttnPrev.onDragOut=function () {
bttnPrev._visible = false;
info_bttn.bttn.onRelease = function() {
getURL(url[ID], "_blank");
info_bttn.bttn.onRollOver = function() {
info_mc.destAlpha = 100;
info_bttn.bttn.onRollOut = info_bttn.bttn.onDragOut=function () {
info_mc.destAlpha = 0;
nextID = function () {
if (ID<(total-1)) {
prevID = function () {
if (ID>0) {
loadID = function () {
holder._alpha = -100;
info_mc._alpha = 0;
info_mc.destAlpha = 0;
bg.newHEX = Colour[_global.ID];
menu_mc.hover.txt.text = Caption[_global.ID];
loadMovie(Folder+"/"+Large[_global.ID], holder);
_global.thumbClick = function() {
holder._alpha = -100;
//////////////// ON IMAGE LOAD /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
alignPic = function () {
destWidth = holder._width;
destHeight = holder._height;
holder._x = (stageW-holder._width)/2;
holder._y = (stageH-holder._height-menu_mc._height)/2;
bg_mc.bg._width += (destWidth+border-bg_mc.bg._width)/5;
bg_mc.bg._height += (destHeight+border-bg_mc.bg._height)/5;
bg_mc.bg._x = holder._x;
bg_mc.bg._y = holder._y;
bg_mc._x = holder._width/2;
bg_mc._y = holder._height/2;
bttnNext._y = holder._y+(holder._height-bttnNext._height)/2;
bttnNext._x = bg_mc._width+(stageW-bg_mc._width)/2-bttnNext._width-border/2;
bttnPrev._y = holder._y+(holder._height-bttnPrev._height)/2;
bttnPrev._x = (stageW-bg_mc._width)/2+bttnPrev._width+border/2;
preloader._x = holder._x+holder._width/2;
preloader._y = holder._y+holder._height/2;
info_mc._x = holder._x;
info_mc._y = holder._y+holder._height-info_mc._height;
info_mc.bg._width = holder._width;
info_mc.txt.htmlText = Copy[_global.ID];
info_mc.txt._width = info_mc.bg._width-20;
info_mc.txt._x = info_mc.bg._x+10;
info_mc.txt._height = info_mc.txt.textHeight+10;
info_mc.bg._height = info_mc.txt._height+20;
//////////////// BUILD GALLERY FUNCTION //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
buildGallery = function () {
_global.ID = 0;
destWidth = 0;
destHeight = 0;
//Remove previously created photos and thumbs
for (j=0; j<currentTotal; j++) {
total = xmlNode.childNodes[_global.galleryNum].childNodes.length;
galleryTotal = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
Folder = xmlNode.childNodes[_global.galleryNum].attributes.Folder;
maxThumbs = default_maxThumbs;
//Disable scrolling if too few thumbs
if (maxThumbs>total) {
maxThumbs = total;
// Sets destination width and height for each image
for (n=0; n<galleryTotal; n++) {
Name[n] = xmlNode.childNodes[n].attributes.Name;
select_mc.selectBttn_mc.selectBttn.duplicateMovieClip("selectBttn"+n, n);
select_mc.selectBttn_mc["selectBttn"+n]._y = -select_mc.selectBttn_mc.selectBttn._height-(select_mc.selectBttn_mc.selectBttn._height)*n;
select_mc.selectBttn_mc["selectBttn"+n].txt_mc.txt.text = Name[n];
select_mc.selectBttn_mc["selectBttn"+n].ID = n;
for (i=0; i<total; i++) {
Thumb[i] = xmlNode.childNodes[galleryNum].childNodes[i].attributes.Thumb;
Large[i] = xmlNode.childNodes[galleryNum].childNodes[i].attributes.Large;
Caption[i] = xmlNode.childNodes[galleryNum].childNodes[i].attributes.Caption;
Colour[i] = xmlNode.childNodes[galleryNum].childNodes[i].attributes.Colour;
Copy[i] = xmlNode.childNodes[galleryNum].childNodes[i].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
//Build thumb menu
menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc.thumb.duplicateMovieClip("thumb"+i, i);
menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc["thumb"+i]._x = (menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc["thumb"+i]._width+thumbSpace)*i;
loadMovie(Folder+"/"+Thumb[i], menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc["thumb"+i].holder);
menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc["thumb"+i].ID = i;
menu_mc.scroll_mc.mask_mc._width = ((menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc.thumb._width+thumbSpace)*maxThumbs)-thumbSpace;
menu_mc.scroll_mc._x = Math.round(-(Stage.width-stageW)/2+Stage.width/2-menu_mc.scroll_mc.mask_mc._width/2);
//Reset scroll menu to first image on gallery load
menu_mc.scroll_mc.thumb_mc._x = 0;
menu_mc.scroll_mc.destX = 0;
currentTotal = total;
////////////Thumnail menu and preloader script////////////
this.menu_mc.thumb_menu.destX = this.menu_mc.thumb_menu._x;
onEnterFrame = function () {
this.menu_mc.thumb_menu._x += (this.menu_mc.thumb_menu.destX-this.menu_mc.thumb_menu._x)/3;
hover.txt._width = hover.txt.textWidth+10;
hover.bg._width = hover.txt._width+10;
//Info show and hide
info_mc._alpha += (info_mc.destAlpha-info_mc._alpha)/3;
header_mc._alpha = info_mc._alpha;
loaded = holder.getBytesLoaded();
filesize = holder.getBytesTotal();
percentage = Math.round((loaded/filesize)*100);
// Preloader script
if (filesize == loaded && filesize>100) {
preloader.left.half._rotation = 180;
preloader.right.half._rotation = 180;
if (bg_mc.hitTest(_parent._xmouse, _parent._ymouse, true) && holder._alpha>=100) {
if (!bttnNext.hitTest(_parent._xmouse, _parent._ymouse, true) && !bttnPrev.hitTest(_parent._xmouse, _parent._ymouse, true)) {
info_mc.destAlpha = 100;
} else {
info_mc.destAlpha = 0;
} else {
info_mc.destAlpha = 0;
if (holder._alpha<100) {
holder._alpha += 5;
} else {
info_mc._alpha = 0;
info_mc.destAlpha = 0;
if (isNaN(percentage) or percentage == 0) {
percentage = 0;
preloader.left.half._rotation = 0;
preloader.right.half._rotation = 0;
} else if (percentage<=50 && percentage>0) {
preloader.left.half._rotation = 0;
preloader.right.half._rotation = (360/100)*percentage;
} else if (percentage>50 && percentage<100) {
preloader.left.half._rotation = (360/100)*(percentage-50);
preloader.right.half._rotation = 180;
preloader.percentageTxt = percentage;
//////////////// LOAD XML DATA //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
loadXML = function (loaded) {
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;
Name = [];
Folder = [];
Thumb = [];
Large = [];
Caption = [];
Colour = [];
Copy = [];
select_mc.selectShow.txt_mc.txt.text = xmlNode.childNodes[_global.galleryNum].attributes.Name;
} else {
trace("Error loading XML");
xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;
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