Código ActionScript :
function uploadImage(event) { imageFile.browse([{description: "Image Files", extension: "*.jpg;*.gif;*.png"}]); } // End of the function function imageDownloaded(event) { if (event.total == -1) { imagePane.contentPath = "error"; } // end if } // End of the function function downloadImage(file) { imagePane.contentPath = "http://www.midominio.pe/prueba/files" + file; } // End of the function System.security.allowDomain("http://www.midominio.pe/prueba"); var listener = new Object(); listener.onSelect = function (selectedFile) { statusArea.text = details.text = ""; statusArea.text = statusArea.text + ("Recibiendo imagen al servidor " + selectedFile.name + "\n"); selectedFile.upload("http://www.midominio.pe/prueba/upload.php"); }; listener.onOpen = function (selectedFile) { statusArea.text = statusArea.text + ("Subido " + selectedFile.name + "\n"); }; listener.onHTTPError = function (file, httpError) { imagePane.contentPath = "error"; imagePane.content.errorMSG.text = "HTTPError number: " + httpError + "\nFile: " + file.name; }; listener.onIOError = function (file) { imagePane.contentPath = "error"; imagePane.content.errorMSG.text = "IOError: " + file.name; }; listener.onSecurityError = function (file, errorString) { imagePane.contentPath = "error"; imagePane.content.errorMSG.text = "SecurityError: " + SecurityError + "\nFile: " + file.name; }; listener.onComplete = function (selectedFile) { statusArea.text = statusArea.text + ("Subida terminada.\nNow downloading " + selectedFile.name + " to player\n"); details.text = ""; for (i in selectedFile) { details.text = details.text + ("<b>" + i + ":</b> " + selectedFile[i] + "\n"); } // end of for...in downloadImage(selectedFile.name); }; var imageFile = new flash.net.FileReference(); imageFile.addListener(listener); uploadBtn.onPress = uploadImage; imagePane.addEventListener("completo", imageDownloaded); stop (); alfa.gotoAndStop(10); stop (); stop (); fscommand("fullscreen", "true"); invertido.onRelease = function () { miMC.gotoAndStop(2); }; original.onRelease = function () { miMC.gotoAndStop(1); };