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Código ActionScript :
function dragZoom(movieClip) { _global.homeX = 240; _global.homeY = 400; _global.zoomIncrement = 20; _global.zoomAmount = 140; function zoomIn(movieClip) { if(movieClip._yscale && movieClip._xscale < zoomAmount) { movieClip._xscale = movieClip._xscale + zoomIncrement; movieClip._yscale = movieClip._yscale + zoomIncrement; } //end if statement } //end zoomIn function function zoomOut(movieClip) { if(movieClip._yscale && movieClip._xscale > 100) { movieClip._xscale = movieClip._xscale - zoomIncrement; movieClip._yscale = movieClip._yscale - zoomIncrement; } //end the if statement } //end the zoomOut function movieClip.onpress = function() { this.startDrag(); movieClip.onEnterFrame = function() { zoomIn(this); } //end onEnterFrame } //end onPress movieClip.onRelease = function() { this.stopDrag(); movieClip.onEnterFrame = function() { zoomOut(this); // Send the image back to the home on release //movieClip._x =movieClip._x - (movieClip._x - homeX) ; movieClip._y =0;// movieClip._y - (movieClip._y - homeY); } //end on EnterFrame function } //end onRelease function } //end programm dragZoom // Call the function dragZoom to activate! dragZoom(clip1);